Sunday, June 19, 2011

Queen Mary Falls- amazing June winters ride

Not sure if it was the Church working bee or the riding destination but had a great turnout for our June winter ride up to Queen Mary Falls.
We welcome some new riders and bikes, Richard & his Honda,

Rhubern & Hoysong sports,
Wayne & his Buell as well as Chris & Don on
their cruisers.

.......then we headed off on a beautiful clear day down the highway to Been
leigh then cross to Tamborine. We finally made it to Beaudessert Macca's for a coffee and breakfast break after some battery problems and losing 3 riders who followed the wrong group.
Following some coffee and pancakes we headed down the road to Boonah where we said goodbye to some bikers who had to get back for various the rest of us pointed our bikes toward Queen Mary Falls.
The Boys enjoying the sights on the deck at Queen Mary blue is that sky!

Think of a caption for this photo of David.....think he said "can't find my keys anywhere"

You can check out some video of the ride HERE

Saturday, June 11, 2011

May's O'Reilly's ride nippy but Exhilarating

We finally had a clear Saturday in May for our ride ....... cool but exhilarating as we welcomed a few newbies, David's new BMW 1300 and our support vehicle ( restored MG) with John and Paul.
We headed off to Canungra for some hot food and a chat, Pete caught up with us on his cross over dirt bike.

After some good tucka at the "Outpost" (David agreed!!) we mounted
up for the ride up the mountain...the weather still held up thankfully as we know how treacherous and can get with rain on the mount..particularly on those metal cattle grids. As we made our way up the valley and start to go up the mountain, rounding the initial bends, we were confronted by large obstacles left by a friendly cow...the trick is to weave your way through successfully...and we all did well.

So here's a quick video of our run up the mountain, through so many changes in Vista, really awe inspiring.... those one lane roads with no guard rail really does keep you in touch with your own mortality. Some of the lads went on the forest high walk and a mandatory cup of coffee. It was then back down the mountain to the Alpaca farm for lunch on the awesome deck overlooking the valley.

With lunch over we all meandered off home via various means....only to confront some rain as we all made it home, thankfully not whilst we were on the mountain which can be treacherous.
So , one more amazing to stretch our legs, some unbelievable landscapes and as usual a great "Band of Bikers".