We welcome some new riders and bikes, Richard & his Honda,
Rhubern & Hoysong sports,
Wayne & his Buell as well as Chris & Don on
their cruisers.
.......then we headed off on a beautiful clear day down the highway to Been
leigh then cross to Tamborine. We finally made it to Beaudessert Macca's for a coffee and breakfast break after some battery problems and losing 3 riders who followed the wrong group.
Following some coffee and pancakes we headed down the road to Boonah where we said goodbye to some bikers who had to get back for various reasons....as the rest of us pointed our bikes toward Queen Mary Falls.
The Boys enjoying the sights on the deck at Queen Mary Falls....how blue is that sky!
Think of a caption for this photo of David.....think he said "can't find my keys anywhere"
You can check out some video of the ride HERE