The ride was a little over 300km long with our traditional run out to Beaudesert Macca's for m/tea then off along Mt Lindsay Highway, through Rathdowney and up the hill towards Woodenbong, we turn off at Summerland for a great run down the mountain, ultimately turning onto Lion's Road and a stop at Ripples on the Creek for lunch.
We again welcomed some new riders and another bike from the Tasmanian Terrier (Leigh McQ).. and this one is a a Harley Cruiser!
Peter with his Kawasaki 900 Classic |
Peter, Paul came along on for the ride his Honda ST |
Our Tasmanian leprechaun with a Harley..note to self,always ask the wife first! |
It was also good to have a number of couples on the ride though getting though new fangle bluetooth communicators working can be a challenge , a good thump on the head normally slows us down ladies (ha,ha)
Christa....."äre you there Leigh" ....Leigh .."yes I am over here.." |

We don't often see large groups of bikers on the road in Qld anymore....but we did come across this Harley rider who lead us along for awhile...
Then...horror of horror's , we hit a one lane of dirt!! Some major land slips had caused a re-route as significant work was dont to re-do the highway. Leigh came up for a chat ...we know how he hates waiting at lights.
Some of the dirt bikers amongst us may have enjoyed the little slip and slide but not yours truly... well we had a great twisty ride up and down sumerland way...then onto Ripples on the Creek on the Lion Road.
what a lovely bike...oh yest its my crusty custom 900 |
Geoff and his lovely wife... |
Ripples on the creek was prepared for us and we all settled in for a nice lunch in a beautiful location , then I had to run home early...don't like the ride on my own but seems like the group enjoyed there ride back though some didn't heed my advice to fuel up at Beaudesert and there was some mad scrambling around Rathdowney.....all arrived home safely from another fantastic ride in the great south east.
Check out snippets of the ride in the video below