Saturday, September 27, 2014

Headin North Roadtrip - july 2014

It was a chilly Friday morning that we left Gateway for our annual mid-year winter roadtrip with 13 bikes , 2 support vehicles and 23 people overall...for a wonderful 3 day roatrip to 1770.

A quick photo collage....


Check out our storybook of the road trip HERE

and a few video's below

Friday, September 26, 2014

A fine food September Ride- Flying Nun to Ricks Dinner

Ricks Dinner at Palmwoods on the sunshine coast was our iconic destination for lunch and , lead by the leaping lepracaun Leigh, around 30 bikes gathered at Gateway . This included some first-timers from our "meet-up"....
it was an impressive sight as we lined up both side of the road,our construction has cut off our normal assembly point. We had  couple of Harley's for  change...not that there is anything wrong with that. :)

The cavalcade then made the torturous Saturday morning ride through the traffic, stop lights and more stop lights before we got to some open road near Stamford Village

We finally made it to "The Flying Nun"cafe at Samford village for a "posh" sit down breakfast ..
amazing what they can do with an old Church
hey waiter..I'm ready to order
Some great community was had in this restore old Church environment...what an apt place to share...
..enjoying conversation in the chapel...sorry out the head shot Des

At the Flying Nun I had to hand over the fashionable tail-end charley safety vest to Johann who looked surprisingly happy to receive it...thx mate.

Leaving the flying Nun .....

Just had to drop in a pic of my crusty custom ...a love of my li