Thursday, September 22, 2016

Superb Springbrook September ride

After some 10 months it was time to ride the awesome roads to and from Springbrook (National Park) and they didn't disappoint ...amazing Vista's, Canyon lookouts and millions of Twisties.
After navigating lots of cars at Gateway to pick up children from a Youth sleepover we left Gateway in sunny weather with a few new riders joining in for our 220km twistie ride.

So off we went for 40km of slab to the Hope Island turn-off...then off to through Maudsland , Mount Nathan and Advance town to start climbing up to Springbrook....along the way getting a police escort till he pulled over :)
thanks for escort officer
After a losing half the group who thought a visit to Heinz Dam was in order (note...never follow a Harley:) we finally made our way up the ridge to Springbrook ....

and Scuttlebutt Cafe for a well deserved break.

then off to a few great lookout to enjoy spectacular views
those Band of bikers love the camera

Wow, the top picture looks like the Band Bikers from outer space have invaded:) We did meed a couple of lovely ladies from Tasmania who we grilled about the best of Tasmania given our 2017 roadtrip...they were a laugh...thought they may be cousins?:)
From there we wound our way down a thousand twisties towards Mudgeeraba ... a challenge for those Harleys with wide boards.
Make sure you check out the video of the run down the mountain
Then can you believe...we found more twisties as we headed cross country and up Henry Roberts drive to Nth Tamborine and some well deserved lunch at "The Spice of Life".

a roller coaster for the Harley...and great views
You never know what  you are going to come upon....a Spyder pulled over for Band of bikers :)

There is nothing like finishing a ride sharing some great food, good coffee ....up on the Mount with an awesome community... I love the Band of Bikers and we all get to come home safely with BIG smiles on our faces!

check out the video below

Thursday, September 1, 2016

August's Beautiful Binna Burra ride

It had been nearly a year since we made this run through some picturesque country and great roads ...this wasn't a long run so we could savor the ride and the community, shared with some new riders and bikes on a beautiful day.

B.o.B gathering for pre-ride briefing and prayer
We always enjoy the frivolity and community of our pre-ride ....meeting new riders and checking out new bikes.
New rider - Matt, new bike- Triumph sport , reborn biker- Des...and what is an Indian?
And what was Paulette doing on that Honda...?

OK ....enough talking so lets get going, we have another 3 bikers to pick up at Yatala  ...that makes a great group of around 20 bikes.

We headed to Mt Tamborine first on our normal route through Stanmore road, and on and up on Mt Tamborine Road, rolling through Nth Tamborine...a stop for a break and some pics at the lookout then down the goat track then up through the sweeping corners towards Binna Burra.

Now its always fun managing such a large and diverse group of bikers...particularly those VFR sports tourers :) They do though respect command 3 ( we ride as a group)...but that doesn't stop some one wheel shenanigans....
A little far back with wide angle go pro but definitely see only one wheel
So after enjoy the sights of North Tamborine it was off down a favourite bit of road..."the Goat track" towards Canungra
need to be tunnel vision on this narrow and twistie road
So now that we got down was time now to head up through some great sweeping bend up to the Beechmont plateau then onto Binna Burra along the ridge certainly got colder, windier and even some mist as we neared the Binna Burra Tea House.
So the band of bikers filled up the Tea house and enjoyed a great brunch and great community...who said bikers don't talk :)
steve enjoyed a nice bit of tukka, and the boys decided to txt each other
With our bellies full and big smiles on our faces we headed of back along the ridge line, battling the cross winds then down the mountain through Beechmont.
walkers out an about at Binna Burra as we pass through...don't like those narrow roads though
We enjoyed the benefit of our own photographer again today...thanks Andrew so he caught us coming down Beechmonth in all our glory
luv these pics ,doing what we love...eating twisties for breakfast
So we made it to the bottom to consolidate but someone was missing ....Paulette (the sweeper) kindly stopped and retrieved a yellow vest that flew from my unlocked saddlebags ...unfortunately she took a tumble in the gravel so with help of a passing motorist and a broken blinker cover ....she finally made down to us.
that yellow safety vest caused lots of problems
With a few more twists and turns and great shortcut we finally made it to the Outpost Cafe at Canungra for our final food fill .
You never know what you are going to see at the outpost cafe...but this yellow Harley with a Turbo was an eye openner :)
From there we headed off on our normal route after saying our good byes.... home safely by mid afternoon with a huge smiles on our faces....just another awesome Band of Bikers ride in the great Sth East! 
Enjoy the following video for the taste of riding with B.o.B