Ah.... it was another crystal clear morning in the wonderful SEQ, if not a little nippy, as a big crew and our back up vehicle (aka...Johns MG) headed off for morning tea at Esk via Wivenhoe Dam.

We welcomed Sam to his first ride with the crazy crew.... will include a picture in future...but did finally get pics of Johan and Helena...who did not have best memories last time they did this ride having got a flat near Wivenhoe and spending 3 hours waiting for RACQ...this time Helena had her own bike and I think they had a great time.
Off on the boring motorway out to Ipswitch ....check numbers at Blacksoil then off the Warrego Hway to Esk....with a stop off at Wivenho Dam for some leg stretching but ahhh...that big blue sky
Our morning tea stop at our usual Esk Bakery was great, some warm coffee and one of their awesome pies. Then it was off on the repaired Esk-Hampton Rd with a little diverion to "Perseverance Dam" with Larry ( in his new triumph leather Jacket) giving us a little run down on the bikes...looking forward to seeing your the "Sprint" when it gets out of the repair shop..those driveways can be treacherous.

After some leg stretching at Perseverance we then motored off for lunch at the "Farmers Arms" at Hampton..what a great ride , some twisties and great scenery...and of course that big blue sky.

Yes this photo did include a few ringin's, seems like veryone and their Honda club were out for a ride on this day......by the way would highly recommend the "Farmers Arms" tuker..well its a lot more than that...a great menu!!

Oh, Leo left holding the bag for Magna.... its about time you got her a decent seat for your Kwaka.
So after a sumptuous lunch we headed back through Highfields then down the mountain through Murphy's Creek...still signs of flood damage but road repaired and not a lot of visible damage.
One can only imaging what that wall of water was like....a nightmare in such an idylic setting.
We hit the highway and off home.....another great ride.....with some great people...in a great part of the world...it can't get any better than that.
Ckeck out the following video for a little bit of a taste.......click