Took a last video of the site and its creatures just to remind me of the great memories
So off we headed for another reasonable long day of 540km to our overnight stop at Gayndar...but first the obligatory group shot for our "club house" wall.
hmm...a front and back version :)
So off we charged leaving clouds of dust and flying rocks...heading to a rendezvous at the highway ( I think the boys enjoyed a little dirt)....little did we know of the fund that lie ahead on this 565 km leg.
The views were as we road out of the park were spectacular...a beautiful Aussie landscape with the Canarvon Bluff in the background.... but the dust got covered everything.
The cattle were a little more well behaved on the way out and everyone stayed upright...but I gotta say I was glad to see the blacktop as the following picture clearly illustrates (doing an impression of the pope).
Just a small footnote ...we had been discussing the problem of feral pigs in the park causing significant damaged and wondered if there were any pig shooters ..low and behold along the way what should we come upon but a ute laidened down with dead pigs draped all over it..pig dogs..guns etc, we didn't stop for a chat :)
So once we all accumulated again at the highway the bikes roared off first for the 70km run to Rollenston for a fill up and cold drink...little did we know about the drama that unfolded behind us as it was noticed that Leigh's FJR had a flat back tyre and thankfully the support vehicle were on hand to rescue a biker. The solution involved using the Mx5's puncture repair kit ( thanks Tim...see you now reall have a purpose) and Danny Bakker to closely read the instructions...please note the modification to the recommended speed post repair sticker from 80 km/hr to 180!! Hmmm..wonder who did that.
So an anxious group of bikers were waiting at the Rolleston General store and fuel stop contemplating a ride back to see what had happened given that we had no phone coverage when the mighty FJR arrived with rear wheel still inflated ...we were assure that they never exceeded the recommended speed limit :))
After lots of recounting the story, tanks and bellies filled we headed off the 214 km to Biloela..a relatively easy ride out here as the road is straight and flat....but you got to watch out for the cattle on the "long paddock" .
These cattle and horses were in very poor condition and had already been moved over 600 km at 4km a day...that's a long time on the road.
As we headed for Biloela we were pleasantly surprise to come across the Dawson River full to the brim and with a water skiing competition underway. This was a perfect spot for a bikers picnic!
We were surprised by just how green it was around Biloela and as we turned Monto and our overnight stay at Gayndar the road became more interesting ie. corners where the boys were able to give it a real "squirt".

and almost everyone jumped in the pool to cool off....:)
A nice stroll back to our accommodation and aircon turned up we enjoyed a restful last night on the road .... really getting into the trip and it was going to end all too soon...but what an amazing time it has been with some amazing people.