Thursday, April 28, 2016

A delightful Darlington Range and Lake Moogerah ride in April

Riding bikes with the Band of Bikers always brings a smile to your face as Ray & Craig demonstrated on our April ride. This one was full of awesome roads and vista's with a few surprises thrown in as we took a diversion from Beaudesert, down Kerry Rd and over the surprising and beautiful Darlington range then looping around Lake Moogerah and back to Beaudesert via Boonah.
a brief taste of the ride
So with the route over 300km and plenty of twisties thrown in it was a challenge to keep everyone fact we lost 2 tail-end Charlies on the trip which is a whole other story :)
great catchup with newbies and olbies before the ride
Dam ute ruining a beautiful picture of Crusty Customs bike
So another great route that we have done a few times ...this time, shock horror, no Maccas's stop at Beaudesert but Everyday's Cafe instead...different and enjoyable..good chats over coffee and m/tea.
come on steve :)
Whilst at "Everydays" cafe we spied a couple of old AJS British bikes (how did we know...they were leaking oil) with equally old blokes heading off on a short roadtrip...there is hope for me yet.
a great surprise at morning tea
So onward down Kerry road and open pastures and narrow roads to the turn for Darlington Range...its always a wonderful surprise as the bike points down the road with a surprising sharp right hand turn before we burst onto more rolling open fields....awesome.
We meandered through the myriad of back roads to Rathdowney where we consolidated for a rest stop though getting them back together is like herding cats :)
So then off on a great stretch of road towards Boonah before a sharp right onto more narrow country roads to Mt Alford.
now tell many wheels does Steve have on the ground?
From Mt Alford it was onto another great twisty stretch to Lake Moogerah and more consolidation and story telling of close encounters with the ground :(
impromptu prayer meeting and laying hands on bikes slightly battered VFR
Lake Moogerah...a beautiful spot
Alas the cornerman got a little impatient and we lost a few of our group at this point but they made their way to Flavours cafe for lunch as planned and we finally caught up for some good food and conversations.
So after filling our tanks ( bike and selves) most wound their way back through Beaudesert and on home having enjoyed another delightful day with a few surprises thrown in ;)
Check out the video.