Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November - a hot and twistie ride via Springbrook

The heatway moving across Australia finally made it to SEQ. Though not as severe as the 45deg that hit Sydney it climbed to 35deg on the coast, dropping to a refreshing 30deg up at Springbrook.

the "gathering" at Gateway prior to departure
Along with around 12 bikes we welcomes Jon and his BMW F800 S to his first ride...and Adam, Pete's nephew up for a weekend for a ride on a hire bike. Seems it was going to be too hot for some of those tough bikers :)

It was suppose to be a relatively short ride but turned out to be one of those interesting one's :)
leaving Gateway
lovely country run down west mt cotton rd

Paul on his BMW r1150 rt at a consolidation point..little did we know he would have to be push started.
We started off with one our favorite small rides to to the freeway via West Mt Cotton Rd..you could be a million away from anyway.
May be it was just the rising temp but the Gremlins started with a battery problem requiring a push start, a small bike off causing difficult starting, the mystery of a flicked on "kill switch" caused me some consternation and lastly a loud noise from a stick being caught in my the belt....but despite that the ride was AWESOME.

 Escaping the traffic on a hot day was our priority so to finally start climbing up towards Springbrooks was pleasant , particularly as the temperature began to drop to a more pleasant 30deg C.
We wound our way to the the Rosella Cafe for morning tea ... a unique little cafe across from the Canyon look out..we enjoyed our usual fun and frivolity.

enjoying some coffee ...Leo playing hide and seek...then a walk to the "best lookout"
The boys thought they would dress me up a little with a facinator added to my normal garb. Check out our new merchandise...the sticker on the helmet and T-shirt.

We finished and went across the road to a great lookout and obligatory selfies...we could see the Spit/Sea World grass fire...looked huge

some great views....sorry about the chrome dome

 So after some good food and views it was off down down the mountain ..through twistie heaven to the heat of Mudgeeraba. With no cars in front of us our Band of Bikers tag line was coming true.."we do eat twisties for breakfast" :) 

 From there it was off back inland to Canungra for some cold drinks and a spray from their mist cooler
tropical rundown from Springbrook ....eventually to The Outpost
Check out a video of the ride below...the rear shots were used as when leading I have no one in front :)