Friday, July 15, 2016

July ride postponed due to forecast rain...BUT...

So we had been watching the weather all week hoping that the forecast rain might slip a day or to as the 3 mountains and a Dam route contained lots of twisties and it could have been a health hazard in the rain BUT it didn't 

BUT....we will do this route in a couple of weeks time..SO for our biker fix it was to do breakfast at Springwood Suzuki ...and take the long way home :)

SO with no sign of rain on the southside about 15 Band of Bikers turned up for some great community at Tony's Cafe.

So it was a number of first this morning...first time I got coffee and a meal before Des (helps to be early :) and sat astride 2 Motoguzi's ... in fact many bikes were tried out.
now we know Des loves the Guzzi....but we got our scooter boy Noel to jump on a Kawasaki 650 S
So as well as the bike oggling ...we enjoyed our usual great Band of biker community.
lots of great conversations...and tall stories
So after a great morning and the skies getting darker we decided to head for home ....the long way round.